How to Fill Your Own Vape Cartridges

This post was originally published on March 17, 2018. It was last updated on 2/24/20.

Cannabis patients learn quickly that costs add up. Taking some time to do things yourself can save you a ton of money. It also allows you to better control the quality of ingredients in your medicines - an important concern when it comes to cannabis vaping. Filling my own vape cartridges was one of my first DIY as a cannabis patient. When the Florida program first started, we didn’t have many options for medicine. Flower wasn’t legal, MMTCs had a handful of products, and the closest dispensary was over an hour drive away. When Truclear distillate launched the game changed. Patients could now recreate their dispensary favorites - at a fraction of the price.

Always remember to use caution when medicating with cannabis concentrates. They are highly psychoactive and can be jarring for inexperienced patients or those sensitive to the effects of THC.

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Fill Your Own Cartridges

Many patients prefer to vape their distillate by filling empty vape cartridges for use with standard 510 or other style batteries. Similar to filled cartridges sold in dispensaries, this option provides for simple, discrete on the go use. It's also much easier to take lower, more consistent doses compared to dabbing making it a better DIY starting place for patients who are less experienced with medical cannabis concentrates.

There are a variety of cartridge styles available, but in order to vape cannabis it needs to be designed to handle the viscosity of the thick distillate oil. I like Amigo Liberty V9 cartridges as they are easiest to fill, but CCELL cartridges are also sufficient. I recommend purchasing vape cartridges through Green Street Vapor. They offer steep discounts to fellow Florida patients. The market is full of fake and defective cartridges, so if you purchase elsewhere double check to make sure you are being sold authentic products.

Each cartridge can be refilled approximately 4-5 times or until the it does not maintain flavor. With Trulieve Truclear sold at $60 per 1mL (850mg THC) and pre-filled cartridges at $74 (600mg) it’s a savings of approximately $45 for every 1mL cartridge you make yourself.

Choosing a Cannabis Vaping Oil

Many patients find that certain vape oils irritate their lungs, throats, nose, eyes, etc. This is often related to the quality of the ingredients in the distillate oil. When distillate is made, the natural terpenes are destroyed. Since these are important to medicinal effect, they have to be added back in after the fact. Sourcing of these terpenes vary - some from cannabis and some not. Stick with products labelled CO2 or distillate oil with cannabis derived terpenes.

Florida Options
Most dispensaries now offer distillate options.

  • Grow Healthy

  • Muv

  • Trulieve

  • Surterra Pure Reserve Oil

  • Curaleaf

  • Rise (Terp Sap)

  • Vidacann

  • Liberty Health Sciences

  • Fluent

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How to Fill Your Own Vape Cartridges


  • Medical cannabis distillate or CO2 oil

  • CCELL or Amigo Liberty Cartridge

  • 14-16g blunt tip needle if using CCELL

  • Hairdryer or bowl of hot water & plastic bag


  1. Unscrew the top of your cartridge, setting up the tank so its open and ready to be filled.

  2. Warm your distillate for 20-30 seconds with a hairdryer or by sealing it in a plastic bag and placing in a bowl of hot water. (Note - some CO2 oil is very fluid and does not require being pre-heated.)

  3. To fill a CCELL:
    Remove the cap of the distillate and place a blunt tip needle on the end of the syringe, being mindful to lock the needle into place using the leur lock. If you do not lock the needle you are likely to have a sticky distillate mess. Insert the tip of the needle into the tank, rotating the cartridge in a circular motion to fill all sides. While filling, you may need to pause and gently tap the bottom of the cartridge against a table or apply heat via a hairdryer to help the oil slide down. Once filled, screw on top and make sure it is sealed. For a video demonstration of the filling process, click here.

    To fill an AMIGO:
    Remove the cap of your distillate and fill the tank of your cartridge, not exceeding the fill line. Reinsert the top and you will see the oil fill the tank.

  4. Let the oil fully settle and soak the coils before using - preferably 12-24 hours. If your battery isn’t strong enough to heat the thick oil, you may need to prime the cartridge by holding down the button for a few seconds prior to drawing (and then get a new battery).


  • Work over a silicone mat. If you spill any medication it will be easy to save.

  • Rubbing alcohol or alcohol pads works well for cleaning up any sticky residue on fingers, cartridges, and surfaces.

  • Buy your cartridges & blunt tip needs in bulk to save money.

  • If you make multiple cartridges from different strains use permanent markers or small rubber bands to label or color code them so you know what is what.

  • Make sure your blunt tip needle is secure before pushing through the medication. Double check it. Trust me.

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Not a Florida Medical Cannabis Patient? Check out to get certified and obtain your card. 

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