Florida Medical Cannabis Ghee or Coconut Oil

Legal cannabis in Florida is a little backwards. (Truth be told everything is a little backwards in Florida, but I’ve lived here most my life so I’m allowed to say that.) Instead of access to loose dried flower which is the ideal way to make edibles for the spectrum of other cannabinoids and phytochemicals available, patients are given access to a variety of cannabis concentrates and oils. The upside to this system means that making legal edibles is relatively quick and painless - you just have to mix a cannabis distillate oil into a fat.

With that, I bring you Medicated Cannabis Ghee…or Medicated Cannabis Coconut Oil…or really whichever type of high fat oil you prefer. I’m partial to ghee for it’s deep flavor and versatility, but I make medicated coconut oil regularly as well. I like to have either on hand to top over vegetables, spread on a piece of toast, eat by the spoonful…you catch the idea. Either ghee or coconut oil can also be used for baking or no bake cannabis edibles like fat bombs.

If you’ve never used ghee before you can find it on Amazon, Vitacost, and at most grocery stores. It’s also super easy (and cost effective) to make yourself. We have a regular rotation of Kerrygold or Vital Farms unsalted butter on hand for our ghee habit. We used it unmedicated too - it’s a great cooking fat as it’s stable at high temperatures, chock full of CLA and other healthy nutrients. It’s also anti-inflammatory and non-allergenic for those sensitive to dairy. Ok, enough about my love affair with ghee - let’s get to the recipe!

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Florida Medical Cannabis Ghee or Coconut Oil

prep/cook 5 minutes total 5 minutes
servings 60 - 20mg doses (1tsp)




  1. Melt ghee in a double boiler over medium low heat.

  2. If needed, warm distillate with a hair dryer for 10 seconds, in a ziplock bag in warm water for approximately 2 minutes, or using Trulieve’s warmer to make it easier to work with. Add distillate to heated oil, stirring continually with a fork until completely dissolved and well combined. Remove from heat.

  3. Transfer to a glass jar. Let cool with the lid off. Once cooled, seal tightly, label appropriately, and store in a dark cool place.


  1. As written this recipe makes 20mg doses for every 1 tsp of ghee. You can adjust the amount of either ghee/coconut oil or medicine to make different concentrations. For example, doubling the amount of ghee or halving the amount of cannabis distillate would make the recipe a 10mg/tsp concentration instead of 20mg/tsp.

  2. If you are new to cannabis edibles go low and slow. Most patients are comfortable starting with a 5-10mg dose and increasing from there.

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